ORF Goes to World Championships 2023!

We have wonderful news to share with the Community!! This season ORF won the Engineering Inspiration Award at both District and District Championship events. This comes with an invitation to compete in the World Championships with our robot and for the world-level Engineering Inspiration award.

These awards showcase ORF’s impact on our community and internationally. This award also recognizes our raising First Core Values in underrepresented communities. These awards are based on our local outreach to other robotics teams, local business, and state legislatures about the values of our team, mentoring FLL teams, and hosting STEM community events. We also had international outreach in Cairo Egypt where we hosted a STEM workshop.

The championship will be in Houston at the George Brown Convention Center that seats 60,000 people. Our plan is to take 38 students and 6 mentor/chaperones to Houston on April 19, 2023. The team will meet with thousands of spectators and other teams from around the World. This will be an incredible experience that will be remembered for a lifetime!



ORF runs ‘Cairobotics’ in Egypt