FIRST Robotics Competition Kickoff 2019

On the first Saturday of January, the 5th. FIRST puts on a worldwide live stream of a formal kickoff event for FRC. All the teams in the world watch this at the same time. This includes an introduction by the founders of FIRST, Dean Kamen and Woodie Flowers, then an overview of the game and a detailed description of the field and rules. This year our partner, St. Martins University, and our team hosted the event for the third year in a row! We had teams from Tacoma, Chehalis, Shelton, Adna, Centralia, and Central Kitsap. The game’s theme was Destination: Deep Space. It involves robots traveling around Planet Primus, loading cargo and rocket ships, and climbing a habitat. This fits perfectly with our star trek theme, and we are taking the opportunity to go for the imagery award!

To see the game animation:


Bag & Tag 2019


FTC 2019 Regional Competition