Give Local Campaign

You may have noticed a bright orange button on our website. From now until November 20th, we will be participating in The Community Foundation’s Give Local Campaign!

Give Local is The Community Foundation’s three-week online campaign to support non-profits in the South Puget Sound. Their goal is to help raise awareness and funds for these non-profit organizations in and outside of the community they originate from. The Community Foundation matches a percentage of however much we raise during the campaign to help support our cause.

Now, we need your help! All money that we raise from this fundraising campaign is used to help pay for hotels, transportation, competition fees, competitions, robot building materials, tools, and more!  If each person who follows us donates $5 (the price of your daily Starbucks coffee!), we would be able to reach our goal immediately!

If you cannot donate to our campaign at this time, please share the link to our campaign around to spread awareness!


Poinsettia Sale Fundraiser!


Girls Generation - 2018